Meeting Student Needs

With a focus on academic excellence, Erudite Academy meets individual needs for each student.  This personalized individual approach to education allows each student to thrive and reach goals unattainable through traditional schooling.

Academic Rigor

Using highly rated and engaging teaching methods. Utilizing combinations of group activities, technology, textbooks to engage students and expand knowledge.

Hands On

Students have hands on assignments to reinforce concepts taught in Math and Science. Taking part in group activities help students learn cooperation and team values.

College Prep

Students are able to take AP and CLEP prep classes to achieve college credit by exam. ACE transfer classes also available to expand college level class options.


Using advanced software to track and adjust the learning experience for each student.  Meeting students where they are now and helping them to reach their highest potential. 

Group Learning

Though individual goals and pursuits are the main focus, cooperative group learning is also an important factor in creating a well rounded student.  From field trips to group studies Erudite Academy encourages students to work together and create friendships. 

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31